Research News

  • The European Interdisciplinary Council on Aging (EICA), has created an ad hoc training proposal in the sector of pneumonia, which is frequent and often associated with serious complications in the elderly population.

    In addition to the epidemiological and clinical

  • The second PROMARES newsletter is now available. Read all about the project's progress over the past semester

    PROMARES aims at tackling the

  • SUSPORT project activities have begun with the analysis of the environmental sustainability and energy efficiency of Adriatic ports. The main objective is to assess the current performance of Adriatic ports in order to gauge the impact of the measures that will be implemented by the port

  • The Open Innovation Community is open to all stakeholders to discuss and advocate for user-centric approaches and crossmodal cooperation in passenger and freight transport, and who wish to contribute to the debate on the policy requirements of emerging mobility solutions and to validate the

  • The purpose of the ICARUS project is to increase and improve sustainable travel options in coastal transport services and provide alternatives to independent car use.

    These solutions include harmonization of timetables, availability of car/bike sharing within transport nodes, innovative

  • PROMARES was presented at a round table discussion during the transnational workshop at the final conference of the ISTEN project.

    The roundtable discussion focused on Logistics platforms, intermodal transport, and regional cooperation: challenges, lessons learned, and possible

  • December 16, 2020 | Webinar | 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm CET

    Professor Luc Steels, MUHAI project Scientific Coordinator for Venice International University, will hold a session entitled “History Lessons for the Future: Toward a Human-centric governance of AI” at the 2-hour

  • In a time where reporting about COVID-19 is no longer merely a prerogative of science journalists, the importance of empowering and training journalists, including those without specialist scientific knowledge is more relevant than ever.

    Among the several outputs to be released by the

  • In the scope of the Icarus Project cofinanced by the ITA-HR Interreg Program, VIU organizes an on-line training path for Public Authority with the aim of increasing the capacity of Organizations in developing sound and sustainable projects and investments on green mobility.

    On the

  • SPROUT ha completed the analysis of the pilot cities specific scenarios, a work that can be read on the section “Resources” of the SPROUT website here


  • The project has published the cross-border action plan for improving maritime and multimodal freight transport. The plan includes guidelines, priority measures, and KPIs that will be tested in pilot actions starting in September 2020. This cross border strategy was developed through the

  • Sustainable Ports is a new research project funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Program. The project will improve the safety and environmental sustainability of marine and coastal transport services and nodes by promoting multimodality. ...

  • May 26, 2020, 13.00-14.45 (CEST) via WebEx

    Regional Mobility beyond TEN-T
    The online convention on Regional Mobility beyond TEN-T is the final event of the Peripheral Access Project and sheds light on practical examples of developing regional public

  • The unprecedented threat of climate change is posing a severe risk to human activities, due to the increasing frequency and magnitude of extreme events.

    Introducing Climate Proofing in Investments and Spatial Planning (ICPISP) is a project by ...

  • VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the project SUSPORT.
    SUStainable PORTs is a strategic project funded by the Interreg Italy-Croatia Program.
    Priority Axis: Maritime transport
    Specific object: Improve the quality, safety and environmental sustainability of marine and

  • VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the SPROUT project: Sustainable Policy RespOnse to Urban mobility Transition, financed by the H2020 Program.

    SPROUT provides a new city-led innovative and data driven policy response to address the

  • VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the DISCO project financed by the Horizon Europe Program.

    DISCO is

  • Funded by The World Bank, the Feasibility Study is a research project that focuses on floods as some of the riskiest natural disasters in terms of threat to human lives and economic costs. It takes into account the evidence that flooding is getting more serious over time, in

  • VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the project “Sustainable Ports in the Adriatic-Ionian Region” (SUPAIR) cofinanced by the Adriatic-Ionian Programme INTERREG V-B Transnational 2014-2020.

    Program priority: Connected Region
    Program specific objective: Enhance capacity for

  • VIU_TeDIS is one of the partners of the project “Promoting maritime and multimodal freight transport in the Adriatic Sea” (PROMARES) financed by the Italy-Croatia INTERREG Program.

    Program priority axis: Maritime Transport.
    Program specific objective:Improve the quality, safety and



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