MA Archaeology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
MSc Management, School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana
LL.B. European Faculty of Law, New University

I decided to participate in the Globalization program at Venice International University because I was looking for an opportunity to broaden my knowledge in the management of cultural heritage. VIU offers a specialization track in Economics, Management and Digital Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage which matched my interests perfectly. Initially, I had only planned to spend the Fall semester at VIU, but I decided to prolongate my studies to Spring.
My decision was based on my overall great experience in my first semester. I felt that the course covered the themes which were fresh and up-to-date with current global debates. I highly appreciated the opportunity to participate in discussions within a diverse international group - whether as part of the courses or at Lunch2B meetings. The discussions were lively, eye-opening, and always left me with a questioning mind. Professors did a great job at inspiring and encouraging students by knowing how to make us tackle intriguing questions.
On the other hand, I feel like I still had enough time to experience the magnificent ambiance of Venice, to bond with my peers from all over Europe, and to enjoy all the other perks that the city has to offer. Covid-19 at certain points made these experiences somewhat difficult, but at the same time also made me grow in my resilience.

VIU is an environment that pushed me to grow and expand my knowledge daily. Little wonder that when we were given the opportunity to apply for VIU internships I decided to take this chance as well. Unfortunately, the Covid-19 postponed its beginning, but I am hoping that I will be able to start it at the end of the spring semester.

I would recommend VIU to any young person that wishes to grow in their capacities – not only academic but also that of becoming a citizen of the world. I gained (hopefully) lifelong friendships and I could hardly imagine a better way to conclude my study at university.


Lana Nastja Anzur was a recipient of the RED scholarship and was selected for the VIU Internship Program. She received an Erasmus+ grant to support her studies at VIU. 

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