VIU News

Wednesday, February 8, 2023 - 1pm.

Join us for an online info session to learn more about the Globalization Program and Mobility Opportunities at Venice International University. Meet with VIU staff to learn more about the opportunity to take courses at VIU, to do thesis research abroad, or do an internship in Italy.   

The info session will be via zoom: 

The communication of scientific research to the lay public represents a fundamental step in order for it to have a true impact on society, thus contributing to democratization and trust in scientific and non-scientific institutions.

In the effort to reach this goal, the TEN Program on Sustainability is proud to announce that it will be offering six training sessions in Italian on Science Communication at the Department of Economics and Management "Marco Fanno" of the University of Padova, Italy from January 16 to February 2, 2023.

Bihzad of Herat & Bellini of Venice: a Lecture in 2 parts
by Professor Michael Barry
(Video production by Aimone Angelini Rota)

This Special Lecture is the result of the lifelong research carried out by Professor Michael Barry in the field of Art History, in particular of Islamic Art.

The SPROUT final conference "understanding the transition in urban mobility to navigate future policy" will be held in Brussels on February 17th, 2023.

In this final conference, SPROUT partners will present the project outcomes that will help cities to understand the transition in urban mobility and adequately plan policies to harness the impact of emerging mobility solutions.

Click here for more infomation.

Please register here by February 9th, 2023.

In November VIU hosted a Staff Training Week on EU Project Management which offered up-to-date training on techniques and methods that are essential for drafting and presenting projects for EU funding, with the aim of increasing the competitiveness of the project proposals and their relevance to the scope and strategy of the EU calls, legislation, and regulations.

The Plenary Workshop is a key event of the Globalization Program at Venice International University: a unique opportunity to bring together its vibrant community as a whole, this focal VIU event represents a lively outlet for students and professors alike to demonstrate their expertise and talents to a broader audience through dialogue and performance as well.

One reason that understanding language is so difficult for computers and AI systems is that words often have meanings based on context and even the appearance of the letters and words. At the same time, people often find it difficult to understand specialized terms used in computer science. This is why, once a month, the MUHAI project at VIU will propose to you the explanation of a word.
Enjoy our brand new feature #wordofthemonth

You've got mail. If not, you never know what you are missing. The sixth issue of MUHAI newsletter has just been delivered!

MUHAI researchers are investigating two challenging human-centric case studies where AI has the potential to contribute to the common good: (i) learning common sense every day pragmatic knowledge required in everyday activities, and (ii) collaborative support for historical and social science research when constructing narratives to understand past and current social developments, in particular the origins and persistence of inequality in our society. Catch up on the latest news about an exhibtition On Waters in Venice, a digital assitant for academic research in the social sciences and humanities, narrative objects, and deconstructing recipes.

At the beginning of December, we held the on-campus seminar of this innovative blended intensive program in which 25 students from the member universities delved into how we become digital citizens and how we can manage, protect, and nurture our new digital society.

Thursday, December 15, 2022
5 pm, Aula Magna (1E)

The Closing Ceremony will gather together the about 100 students representing nearly 20 nationalities throughout three continents who since last September have come to San Servolo and attended in person the courses taught by professors from VIU's member universities.

VIU will offer a wide range of Intensive Graduate Activities in 2023. 

Students and scholars from the member universities are encouraged to explore the programs on offer in 2023, and apply early to guarantee their place.

The SPROUT project will be present at two key conferences in the field of urban mobility, the TRA conference in Lisbon, Portugal from 14 to 17 November and the POLIS conference in Brussels, Belgium from 30 November to 1st December.
From special and technical sessions to real-life demos, SPROUT will make its way through two of the most relevant conferences in transportation carrying the flag of city-led policy making to harness the emerging innovative mobility solutions.

First Dean of Venice International University

We are very sad to announce that Professor Gianni Toniolo passed away on Sunday, November 13, in Rome.

Professor Toniolo, a highly appreciated economic historian, was one of the Founding Fathers of Venice International University.


This fifth newsletter presents the outcomes of the transferability assessment activities the SPROUT city-led innovative policy response. To definitely scale up from local pilots to long-lasting real implementations integrated in the cities, the project has released some of its tools to contribute to an evidence-based policymaking. In this newsletter (second-to-last) you will be able to get the latest news on our project and check out the latest and upcoming SPROUT events. 

SUSPORT was featured at the Adriatic Sea Forum 2022, which took place in Bari on Oct. 6th and 7th 2022.

The Adriatic Sea Forum is the most relevant event dedicated to maritime transport in the Adriatic Sea, focusing on passenger and freight transport.

More specifically, the two-days forum, attended by at least 200 participants, offered the opportunity for intense debate and a close look at issues of importance for the future of the cruise, ferry, sailing and motorboat sectors in the Adriatic, an area looked onto by 7 nations (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, Italy and Slovenia) and which includes 25 regions and over 150 tourist destinations.

SPROUT team has contributed to an e-course on “data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning". 
The course has been developed by CIVITAS ELEVATE and compiles contributions from the projects HARMONY, MOMEMTUM and SPROUT. It aims at enabling local decision-makers to take data-driven approaches to sustainable urban mobility planning. 
More information on the SPROUT website  

Wednesday, October 26, 2022
4.30 pm CEST, Room 1G
Venice International University, San Servolo Island

Jane da Mosto, Executive Director of We are here Venice

On October 13-14, 2022, Alessandra Fornetti and Ilda Mannino from the VIU TEN Program on Sustainability will participate in an international conference titled “Reinventing Science Communication? Challenges for the Post-Truth Era”.

The SPROUT V General Assembly was held in Valencia (Spain) on September 27th, 2022.
This is the first meeting in presence after the COVID emergency; Project partners discussed the on going activities related to the outcomes and to the policies, namely: Project outcomes’ validation, transfer & exploitation; Formulating a city-led innovative policy response;  Building cities’ policy making capacity.

SUSPORT via the Port of Trieste will be present at the Green Logistics Expo in Padova from Oct. 5th until Oct. 7th 2022.

Green Logistics Expo is an international event of business, marketing, culture, in-depth analysis, exhibition and comparison on the most advanced issues of logistics.

More information: