Research News

  • IFIS bank appointed TeDIS to implement a communication plan on digital workshops in order to show how traditional Italian companies of Made in Italy has had the capacity to transform theirselves in companies confronting the global economic challenges thanks to the new technologies of the

  • Project financed by the Italian Ministry of Work devoted to experimenting innovative methodologies for continuous training destined to employ waged workers.
    The project focused on supporting the growth of professional Knowledge communities, with specific attention to professional

  • Formez in 2004, appointed TeDIS to carry on a study in the framework of the research “ICT and Local Development in the South of Italy”.

  • The Project was Financed by the Culture 2000 Programme of the European Union.
    The main purpose of the Radar Project was to elaborate a European model for cities to promote integration among different social categories and inclusion of marginalized groups and individuals through

  • Training and consultancy project addressed to theentrepreneurs community of the Cacak Area of Serbia
    The project aimed at activating institutional and consultant aid oriented to the Serbian private sector through the cooperation between North-Eastern Italy and the Serbian Cacak area.

  • @lfa was a project co-financed by theEuropean Commission-Europe Aid Cooperation Office; an Exchange Program between Universities of the European Union and Latin America for building a research community for local economic development.

  • EKM Dicamo: Electronic Knowledge Management in Sportswear Industrial District of Montebelluna.
    This project was co-financed by Regione Veneto and Chamber of Commerce of Treviso and is coordinated by Treviso Tecnologia.
    The project aimed at developing and consolidating a community of

  • The local and regional authorities situated in the cross border areas are directly and rapidly affected by the EU enlargement process and its impacts. The project aimed to provide cross border institutions with tools for managing the impact of the increased migration fows

  • IntelCities was a research and technological development project to pool advanced knowledge and experience of electronic government, planning systems and citizen participation from across Europe.
    It was cofinanced by the European Union's Sixth Framework Programme e EU Information

  • TeDIS in collaboration with Veneto Innovazione developed a methodology to analyse the degree of innovative regional attractiveness. This methodology was applied to the five regions of the START network (Veneto, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Vienna, Hamburg) and the results of the analysis was

  • TeDIS center of the VIU won in 2005 a call for tender of Innovazione Italia for the production of a research titled: “ICT for the excellence of the territory”.

    The issues of the analisys were:

    •  Analisys of the legislative tools
    •  Support

  • It was a project cofinanced by the Cadses Programme and leaded by Eurosportello Veneto from 2003 to 2006

    The emergence of information society was the most significant phenomenon reshaping the territorial competitiveness: therefore the decision was to set up a project for improving and

  • The project was cofinanced for the 50% by the European Commission through the Interreg IIIB CADSES funds and for the other 50 % from the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and

  • The eHub project wasco-financed by the Veneto Region (Regional Law on Productive districts), Chamber of Commerce of Treviso and was coordinated by Treviso Tecnologia.

    The project aimed at developing an innovative technological infrastructure tailored on the business needs of SMEs in the

  • Citizens iTV was an experimental project focused on the Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) as a potential and powerful new channel to deliver public contents and interactive services from local public bodies to citizens and companies.

    The lead partner was Veneto Region- Informatics

  • It was a training programme is organized by UNIDO as part of activities of the project “Strengthening and dissemination of cluster development in Nicaragua” financed by the Austrian Government.

  • Veneto Region Law 8/2003 on Production Clusters gave the possibility to the Industrial District of Veneto to carry on two different projects which aimed at empowering the air-conditioning and industrial refrigeration sector in the area of Padua, through the implementation of supply chain

  • MyPortal was an e-government project leaded by the Veneto Region within the Program Framework 2004-2006 palnned among Veneto Region, the Ministry of Economy and Finance and the Ministry for Innovation and Technologies.

    Internet and ICT represented a new means of communication

  • Open Solutions for SMEs

    The “Java Open Business” (JOB) was an innovative Italian project developed by SUN Microsystems Italy in cooperation with TeDIS Center. JOB aimed at increasing the knowledge and the diffusion of open source software among

  • The project received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration" and aimed to create the necessary concepts, technological solutions and business models to establish the most advanced information services



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