Wednesday, December 20, 20235 pm, Aula Magna (1E)
The Closing Ceremony will gather together nearly 100 students representing nearly 20 nationalities throughout three continents who since last September have come to San Servolo and attended the courses taught by professors from
Each semester scholarships are awarded to talented students to contribute to the cost of living in Venice for a semester, to promote excellence and diversity in the Globalization Program.
Find out more about next week's activities.
October 30 - November 3, 2023
Wednesday, November 8, 20235 pm CET, Room 1EVenice International University, San Servolo Island
David M. Schizer, Professor of Law and Economics and Dean Emeritus, Columbia University
New Opening HoursFrom Monday, October 23, 2023
Benno AlbrechtRector, Università Iuav di Venezia
Opening Ceremony of the 1st Semester 2023-24Thursday, September 14, 2023, at 5 pmAula Magna
Course registration for the 1st Semester 2023-24 opened on Thursday, July 20, at 3 pm Italian time, and will close on September 13, at 5 pm.
Thursday, June 1, 20235 pm, Aula Magna (1E)
The Closing Ceremony will gather together more than 100 students representing nearly 20 nationalities throughout three continents who since last February have come to San Servolo and attended the courses taught by professors from VIU's
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