VIU News

Science communication has entered the public debate at different levels: it supports the societal dimension of science, levers significant funding opportunities for research, and contributes to build a successful dialogue with decision makers.

VIU Graduate activities are a unique opportunity to deepen specific knowledge through interdisciplinary lenses. Also, they offer highly qualified researchers opportunities to acquire transversal skills that not necessarily have been part of their disciplinary curriculum.

Science communication is one of those skills: more and more researchers find themselves to communicate their research to a wide audience, as it is the case with social media. This certainly might have a great impact in terms of visibility and recognition within the scientific community and, often, beyond but the message must be clear and coherent, and the messenger must be ready to positively and skillfully engage in (sometimes arduous) debates.

The Science Communication seminars offered within the VIU graduate seminars are based on the results and the Toolkits developed by QUEST project, coordinated by VIU and focusing on quality science communication: a series of Toolkits for scientists, journalists, museum explainers and social media managers are available in QUEST website, and can also be used on a free basis as self-learning tools.

Rolling admissions are open for the last places in some of our 2024 Summer Schools: 

  • Organizing for Sustainable Futures: Micro and Macro-Institutional Conditions of Transformation
  • Linguistic Landscapes: Using Signs and Symbols to Translate Cities
  • Advanced Transportation, Logistics, and Supply Chain Management
  • Science Diplomacy in the Age of Climate Change


PCST Venice Symposium, September 28-30, 2023

At the Symposium in September, a Concluding Statement was issued to draw attention to the need for research and academic institutions to consider the strategic value of public communication of science, and to mobilize support for these activities.

The Statement highlights the multitude of benefits that investments in science communication can yield, including benefits to society (combating misinformation, making science accessible, equipping citizens to access the public debate on science), benefits to institutions (building reputation, increasing students’ employability, and becoming known as engaged and responsive civic institutions), benefits to research and researchers (offering new work perspectives, improved visibility, to be effective across disciplines, and helping to recruit new collaborators).

Public communication of science and research has more and more become part of the researchers’ job, often demanded by research funders and policy makers as a pathway towards societal impact of research.

The COALESCE project is establishing a European Competence Center for Science Communication and an associated Science Communication Academy (task led by VIU), to consolidate science communication knowledge, resources and tools from a variety of sources.

These will be made available to science communication stakeholders across Europe in ways that are useful and replicable in different contexts.
If you want to contribute and co-create the Competence Center, please join the COPs-Community of Practice: researchers, science-communication professionals, journalists, policymakers, citizens, industry professionals – among other actors – are invited to be part of our community of practice, where you will have the opportunity to be engaged in mutual learning, co-creation activities, training and be part of building the future European Competence Centre for Science Communication.

VIU is delighted to announce the addition of two prestigious institutions to the consortium: IUSS Pavia, Italy, and Sabancı University, Turkey. This significant expansion marks a pivotal moment as VIU approaches its thirty-year anniversary, and continues to grow and develop global engagement, further solidifying its position as a hub for interdisciplinary education, research, and collaboration. 

Join the first webinar of the POLIS – ALICE Webinar Series 2024, focused on Physical-Internet (PI) led innovation!

Wed 27 March, 12-13 CET (online)

The webinar is public and will feature some of the PI-led innovations and actions that DISCO and URBANE EU-funded projects are currently implementing.

Click here for more info and agenda

Click here to register and receive the Zoom link


March 8, 2024

On the occasion of International Women's Day, we are honored to celebrate the impressive women teaching this semester at VIU in the Globalization Program! 

Their research spans a range of disciplines from international law, architecture, renaissance studies, language acquisition, cross-cultural and international management, science communication, public engagement, sustainable development, environmental studies, innovative pedagogies and chemistry.


VIU has Erasmus+ calls for applications for student and staff mobilities in member universities.

Calls have just been published for both students and staff of select Erasmus+ VIU mobility consortium members to apply for a mobility to Stellenbosch University. The types of mobilities include staff mobility for teaching and staff mobility for training as well as student short term doctoral mobilities. The deadline to apply is March 31, 2024. Mobilities are to be concluded by July 31, 2025. Further details and the calls for applications can be found at the following link:

VIU and Stellenbosch University are pleased to partner in this valuable opportunity to promote the strong international dimension of Erasmus+ mobilities, ensuring regular channels for people-to-people cooperation by promoting values, principles and interests around common priorities. The new 2021-2027 phase of the Erasmus+ programme reveals that South African participation continues at a high level. In fact, in 2022, 461 staff mobilities to Europe and 416 staff mobilities from Europe to South Africa were realized in the Erasmus+ programme. It is expected that 600 students from South Africa will undertake mobilities to Europe and a further 128 students take up mobilities to South Africa.

Last week, VIU was very happy to welcome a student benefiting from an Erasmus+ short term doctoral mobility from Stellenbosh University. The student participated in the VIU Graduate Seminar on Translation: Why Is It a Political Question? Perspectives In Philosophy and Translation Theory. Faculty from the University of Padova, KU Leuven, Waseda University, and University of Firenze supported students to work in a transnational context, across different disciplines, languages, and cultures. Workshops with invited experienced translators fostered students to compare different translation strategies and styles, possibly helping them to find their own. They discovered the political dimension of translation practices that are never neutral or transparent communication tools and learned about the political effects of their own translation activities.

first release of DISCO’s newsletter!

We are delighted to share with our Community the latest updates from our pioneering project. Before entering a central step in the digital path of our Living Labs, we look back at the tracks performed so far and reveal all of our progress, as well as what to expect in the upcoming months.

Featuring opening words from the DISCO’s Project Coordinator, Paola Cossu (FIT Consulting), DISCO at the ITS Summit in Australia, Urban Mobility Days 2023, and many more!

Venice International University is pleased to announce a significant addition to its esteemed association of universities and research centers. The Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF) has joined our community, bringing with it a wealth of expertise and groundbreaking contributions to the field of astrophysics.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023
5 pm, Aula Magna (1E)

The Closing Ceremony will gather together nearly 100 students representing nearly 20 nationalities throughout three continents who since last September have come to San Servolo and attended the courses taught by professors from VIU's member universities.

VIU will offer a wide range of Intensive Graduate Activities in 2024. 

Students and scholars from the member universities are encouraged to explore the programs on offer in 2024, and apply early to guarantee their place.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023
5 pm CET, Room 1E
Venice International University, San Servolo Island

David M. Schizer, Professor of Law and Economics and Dean Emeritus, Columbia University

DISCO participated at Urban Mobility Days 2023, that took place from 4-6 October in Seville, Spain.

Urban Mobility Days will bring together politicians, local authorities, industry, and urban transport practitioners with the European Commission to connect, share and discuss the path forward for a sustainable, innovative, and equitable future for Europe’s urban mobility. As 2023 is the European Year of Skills, Urban Mobility Days will have a specific focus on transport skills. The event is being organised together with the upcoming Spanish Presidency of the Council of the EU.

DISCO was presented at Urban Logistics Innovation Days in Brussels, at COMET Louise, on the 26th of September.

This event is organised as the final conference of the EU-funded LEAD project, in cooperation with ALICE-ETP and POLIS, bringing together other urban logistics innovative projects, to showcase innovative solutions. This will also include live demonstrations of the digital innovative solutions for Digital Twins and Urban Logistics planning developed by LEAD.

60 students spent the month of August at VIU taking courses for credit for their bachelor's and master's degrees.

This was the second edition of the Summer Session of the Globalization Program, introduced in 2022 with the aim of extending the opportunities to study and teach at VIU, especially to those students who otherwise face barriers to participation in mobility opportunities during the semester-long programs, be it for socio-economic challenges, caring responsibilities, insufficient opportunities in their disciplinary area, or challenges receiving credit recognition for interdisciplinary studies. 

DISCO was presented at ITS Global Summit 2023.

The ITS Australia Global Summit 2023 explored approaches to Accelerating smarter, safer, sustainable transport by leveraging the ever-expanding capabilities of technology. The Summit brings together government, industry and academic thought leaders from across the globe to explore the themes of: Smart Infrastructure and Data Ecosystems; Sustainable and Equitable Transport; Electric, Connected, Automated Transport; Future Mobility; Policy and Harmonisation; Freight, Logistics and Drones.

It has been a very busy summer here at VIU! 

Here is a round-up of the Summer Schools, a PhD Academy and the Summer Session of the Globalization Program that ran from June through August. 

Overall we have welcomed more than 200 students and 80 professors to the Academic Programs since June, and we will have another two Summer Schools, a PhD Academy, and a new GP semester kicking off in September.